From Behind the Corn 08: The ONeal Fam

What is your most memorable Gravel Worlds experience?

Gravel Worlds 2023 was a memorable adventure for my son, Kypton, and me. We both tackled the Privateer distance, a challenging ~78-mile course on our Specialized Crux bikes. The entire weekend was fantastic, from the excitement of packet-pickup and the expo to the camaraderie of the group rides and the epic finish line party. The event was a true celebration of the gravel cycling community.

We went into the race with a unique set of circumstances. All of 2023 was spent traveling full-time along the East Coast, which meant our training was minimal at best. Despite this, we decided to push ourselves and see how we'd fare on race day.

The day began early, with rain having soaked the course overnight, making the gravel soft and the ride more difficult. I managed to stay with the lead pack for the first 20 miles, but Kypton, who was excited to race alongside other Junior racers, slowly fell back.

Around mile 31, we hit a section known as 'B Roads,' where the mud was thick—so thick it earned the nickname "peanut butter" mud. It was the kind of mud that clings to everything and quickly made our bikes feel twice as heavy. This section was about 1.2 miles long, and we all had to shoulder our bikes and carry them through it.

Once we finally made it out of the mud, we used paint sticks to scrape off the layers of mud from our bikes frames, tires, and shoes. After this grueling stretch, we regrouped with other Junior riders and rode together for the next 5-10 miles. However, our lack of training soon caught up with us. Both Kypton and I struggled to maintain the group pace, and eventually, we dropped back and rode the remainder of the race on our own.

This was especially tough for Kypton, who had set his sights on being competitive with the other Junior racers. It was hard to see him struggle, but I focused on staying positive and encouraging him to keep going. We made our way through the next aid station, refueled, and slowly began ticking off the miles. We chatted, sang songs, talked about the weather, and even dreamed about our next adventure.

What made the day even more special was having my wife, Melissa, there to support us. She was our biggest cheerleader, waiting at the finish line to take pictures and celebrate with us. At the end of the day, it wasn't about the race results. The most important thing was that we were out there together, father and son, enjoying the ride and making memories that will last a lifetime.”

What did that experience teach you?

“That day taught me the power of perseverance and the importance of staying positive, even when the going gets tough. It reminded me that sometimes, the greatest rewards come not from winning or setting personal records but from the journey itself and the people you share it with. Pushing through the mud, fatigue, and mental challenges alongside my son showed me how resilient we can be when we support each other. It also reinforced the idea that it's okay to struggle—what matters is how you handle it and the lessons you take away from the experience.”

Would you like to shout out any people who made that day special for you?

“I’d like to give a huge shout-out to my wife, Melissa, for her amazing positive attitude throughout the day. Her love and support meant the world to both Kypton and me. She was there at the finish line, celebrating with us and capturing the moment with her camera, making the experience all the more memorable. Her energy and enthusiasm were truly contagious.

Lastly, a big thank you to the entire Gravel Cycling Community and the Gravel Worlds organizers for creating such an incredible event. The weekend was a celebration of everything we love about gravel cycling, and it was an honor to be a part of it.”

What would you like to tell someone if they were debating on signing up for an event like Gravel Worlds?

“If you're debating on signing up for Gravel Worlds, I say go for it! It's not just a race—it's an adventure that will test your limits, create lasting memories, and introduce you to an incredible community of riders. No matter your level of experience, you'll find something valuable in the challenge. Whether you’re riding to compete or just to complete, Gravel Worlds offers an opportunity to push yourself, experience the beauty of gravel racing, and make connections that will last a lifetime. It’s an experience you won’t forget and one that will leave you eager to come back for more.”


From Behind the Corn 09: Dakota


From Behind the Corn 07: Erin Kunst