Nine Basic Rules:

Bicycle riding is just not that complicated. Nor does it seem that the quality of the gravel riding experience is in any way tied to the size of a rulebook. Everyone that comes here understands that when it comes to breaking or even bending a rule that the stakes aren’t really measured in dollars (or dollars lost). They’re measured in personal integrity.

Rule #1:


This really covers a lot of ground. If you hafta ask, it’s probably NOT COOL!! 

  • Yelling at a volunteer….. NOT COOL!!

  • Cutting course….. NOT COOL!!

  • Walking/Riding off of public roads on private property…NOT COOL!!

  • Cussing out a competitor or official….. NOT COOL!!

  • Hiding feedbags on course….. NOT COOL!!

Being not cool has and will disqualify podium finishes and will result in you not being invited back to Gravel Worlds events.

Rule #2:

Ticket to sail.

We reserve the right to refuse participation for anyone if we deem your past behavior was NOT COOL.

Rule #3:

Follow The Rules of the Road!

All Gravel Worlds events are held on open roads. Following the rules of the road are critical for all athletes and driver’s safety.

All athletes must follow the rules of the road. Stop at all stop signs, yield to traffic, stay to the right of the road, abide by posted road signs, listening to any and all instructions given by police/sheriff officers. . Riders who don’t follow the rules of the road will be disqualified from the event.

STAY TO THE RIGHT!! Athletes must stay right of center of the road at all times. Riding on the left side of the road is incredibly dangerous to riders and drivers.

Stay On The Road!!

Regardless of road conditions, you must remain on or directly next to the road. Hopping over fences, riding or running through fields, or going past a ditch into a field is considered trespassing and will result in immediate disqualification.

Rule #4:

Don’t litter...

Take care of our beautiful countryside, checkpoints, oasis locations, small towns, and start/finish areas. Seriously, no tolerance for littering. The long-term success of our event requires all of us to keep our roads clean.

Rule #5:


All Gravel Worlds events are self supported adventures.

This means: no caching supplies, no friends, family, or team support on the course, and no prearranged support from other riders.  Once you leave the start, consider yourself on a self-supported solo endeavor.  You can resupply along your journey at MANDATORY Checkpoints (we supply water and snacks), OPTIONAL Oases (we supply water and snacks), and small-town retail stores (purchase whatever you desire).  There are NO DROP BAGS! There is NO PREARRANGED TEAM SUPPORT! This one is on you!!!

  1. Athletes must navigate via cue sheets and/or GPS. The course will not be marked. You are responsible for navigation. (Run courses will be marked unless stated otherwise)

  2. NO Prearranged Team Support.

    1. While riding with teammates is inevitable, prearranged support is strictly prohibited.

    2. Each rider is responsible for their own race success. This includes hydration, nutrition, navigation, and even drafting.

    3. Riders are allowed to draft teammates and other riders, however, if it is determined by the race promoters the sole purpose of teammates or fellow riders is to offer an individual rider specialized support, all riders involved could be disqualified from official results.

    4. No team vehicles out on the course for any form of support. This includes obvious support like mechanical or nutritional support but also includes verbal support like race information (time gaps, current speeds, weather updates, etc).

    5. Gravel Worlds is about individual success. Every rider needs to have the same chance of success once they leave the start line. An individual rider has the same on-course chance of success as riders with full team support.

    6. Media passes are available for teams/individuals wanting to capture the race on course. You must receive permission and agree to Gravel Worlds codes of conduct to receive a media pass to be actively filming on course.


      1. NO DOMESTIQUES!! Gravel Worlds is a challenge designed to challenge the individual rider. We believe being self-sufficient is one of the core attributes of a gravel cyclist. A rider can not support another rider with any kind of prearranged support. Some examples includes:

        1. Carrying extra bottles or supplies for a designated rider.

        2. A rider carrying extra tools or supplies to service an individual rider.

        3. Riding ahead to help an individual rider at a checkpoint.

      2. No coaches, mechanics, or team representatives are allowed on the course or at a checkpoint unless previously approved by Gravel Worlds staff.

      3. Team coaches, mechanics, or representatives can not interact with any rider in any way. This includes but is not limited to: giving out time splits, encouragement, heckling, harassment, obstruction of a roadway, and giving directions.

      4. For media coverage for teams:

        1. Media must be approved by the Gravel Worlds team three weeks prior to the race.

        2. Media personnel are not permitted to interact with any and all participants in any way. Be a fly on the wall.

      5. If a male athlete drops or is caught by the women’s pro field, they must remain at the back of any groups and not interact with the women’s race. Pro Men are not able to influence the Pro Women’s race.

      6. Violation of any of these rules could result in time penalties or disqualification of some or all pro riders of that team.

  3. Once riders leave the start-finish, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN and you cannot receive outside assistance except the following:

    • Gravel Worlds Checkpoints/Oasis Locations are stocked with water, nutrition, snacks, etc.

    • Small town stores with items you can purchase yourself

    • Pre-approved “Gravel Angels” (must be pre-approved by event promoters and offer assistance to all riders).

    • Fellow participants, but this can not be prearranged prior to the start of the event. NO DOMESTIQUES!

  4. Checkpoints are MANDATORY to go through but not required to stop for all riders. Checkpoints will be staffed by volunteers. Riders stopping time and duration to refuel/resupply are up to rider discretion.

  5. Oasis locations are OPTIONAL stops where you can refill bottles and get snacks.

  6. If you have specific nutritional needs, carry your supplies for the day.

Rule #6:

Do not modify number plates.

Do not bend or alter the provided number plates. Do not bend or tape around your headtube, alter, cut, or change the number plates in any way. These alterations often affect the timing and splits that can affect the integrity of our event and create an exorbitant amount of work for our timing staff.

Rule #7:



    • All riders are required to wear a helmet at all times at any Gravel Worlds sponsored event. This also includes group rides and non-competitive activities.

  • Functioning Breaks

    • All bikes are required to to have at least 1 functioning break. No Full Fixies with no rim/rotor brakes.

  • Bike Lights

    • All Gravel Worlds 150 and Long Voyage 300 riders must have lights! 

    • Riders of the Gravel Worlds 150 and Long Voyage 300 must START AND FINISH with bike lights.

    • Front light for illumination and a rear red tail light are MANDATORY.  It may still be dark at the start and you might finish after dark.

  • Aero Bars

    • Aero Bars are allowed, but CAN NOT be used when riding in a group.

    • For the safety of all riders, if you are riding in a group you must have hands on the handlebars at all times.

  • E-Bikes

    • All bikes are required to have functioning brakes (Yes, even you fixie riders). E-Bikes or any form of mechanical assist is prohibited, EXCEPT for the 50k Buccaneer or Para Categories.

      All riders must wear a modern helmet at all time. (no old-school hairnets). Riders seen without a helmet will be pulled from the course.

  • Shoes (Running Events)

    • Shoes are required for all runners on course.

Rule #8:

Respect your fellow athlete...

Encourage others, help others in need, and have fun! Disrespect to other athletes through any form of harassment or profanities will not be tolerated.  GRAVEL FAMILY! 

Rule #9:

Plan your voyage.

Whichever event you choose, it’s your responsibility to be prepared. All participants must have a plan in case you need to drop out (quit prior to the finish).

Human Policy

More Questions about age, para categories, and gender? Check out our Human Policy.