From Behind the Corn 01: Claire Reinert: 

What is your most memorable Gravel Worlds experience? And what did that experience teach you?

“2023 was my third Gravel Worlds, and it could be recency bias, but it was a weekend that I’ll never forget. I know that each year has built on the last, because I have intertwined more deeply with the incredible community that has been built around the event, and that’s ultimately the reason I toed the line. At the outset of ’23, my primary cycling goal was to win the Long Voyage. It was lofty, but I wanted it. Well, life had other plans for me and long story short, I was sidelined for most of the year with health issues and up until late July I didn’t think I could even show up, let alone attempt riding it. If I am being honest, part of that was absolutely because of ego — knowing I wouldn’t be showing up the way I wanted to, and having to let go of my goal.

Did I show up? Yes. Did I finish it? Yes. Was it the hardest event I have ever done? Also, yes.

The ‘why’ here is the important part, and why Worlds is SO important to me. 

I love riding bikes, and I love the friends and community I have found through gravel in particular.  In spite of knowing I couldn’t be competitive in the race, I decided to show up and try because of the gravel family I now have, and probably a smidge because sometimes I’m a stubborn mule… 

There are a handful of us that have done the Long Voyage every year and spending time with that community of like minded humans is just special.  Second, taking on a challenge I genuinely didn’t know if I’d be able to complete was something I hadn’t faced in a while, and I decided it was time to get uncomfortable. And finally, supporting the incredible Gravel Worlds team that overtly supports diversity and inclusion, was and will continue to be the biggest reason I want to show up year after year. We’re all in this together after all!”

Would you like to shout out any people who made that day special for you?

A number of incredible humans, and me being the aforementioned mule, are the reason I got to the finish line that day. 

On the bike I wanted to throw in the towel about halfway, then I crossed paths with Damian, and his kindness and company got me through some very dark moments. Ultimately we finished together after leapfrogging the last half, and that was special to say the least. 

The other component was the way my closest friends showed up for me that day — it is something I’ll never forget. There are too many people to thank for messages, but being reminded by my core circle that they love me regardless of whether or not I finished will stay with me forever. You know who you are and I love you ❤️

What would you like to tell someone if they were debating on signing up for an event like Gravel Worlds?

“If you’ve never done an event, I’d challenge you to just take the leap and try at least one!  I’m biased but because of all the events I’ve done, I feel like I have family all across the country!

Then with so many options for gravel events now (which is GREAT), find an event that resonates with you! I primarily pick events based on the culture the event organizers create — which is why I repeat a handful of events, Gravel Worlds being one ❤️”


From Behind the Corn 02: Laci Reinke


Garmin Gravel Worlds Launches “First to Last” Initiative