#myGravelWorlds: Sydney Brown

Your hardest Challenge with GW. The start and the last third until ~5 miles to the finish. In particular, the heat and wind of the slog to the north on 176th ST. At this point I was alone and so very tired. Your highest/moment of GW. Learning I’d got the women’s win.Your favorite GW moment. Cresting the final hill and seeing the finish from afar. Biggest hurdle you overcame. Quitsies at about 2/3s of the way in. Cramping and fatigue had my inner voice occasionally mentioning that it wasn’t that important, and it wouldn’t really matter if I didn’t finish. Feeling you had when finishing.The doing hurts, but the having done feels AMAZING! And, now FRIES! Sydney has also been a huge help to the planning and organizing of Gravel Worlds 2018. Thank you, Sydney for your help and dedication to make Gravel Worlds even better.


Win a Lauf True Grit frameset!


#myGravelWorlds: Carlos Torres