#mygravelworlds: Steve Fuller

When was your first Gravel Worlds? - My first was back in 2009 when it was “just” The Good Life Gravel Adventure.What was the biggest hurdle/most difficult challenge? - That year, the Nebraska headwinds and heat, along with deep sand in many parts of the course made for a difficult race.What was your highest Gravel Worlds moment? - I’m never fast enough to be in the hunt for a jersey, but I was really satisfied with being able to lead some big trains of riders into the strong headwinds we had in 2016.What is your favorite Gravel Worlds story? - In 2013, riding on Mill Road, I blew out a tire bead 75 miles into the race. My shortcut back through Lincoln used up both of my spare tubes. I walked 2 miles to the bar in Emerald where I sheepishly called race control who sent Joe Fox out to pick me up. Always have support with you.How did you feel when you finished? - I always feel great finishing any GW. The cheers from spectators and racers, plus the opportunity for telling stories and catching up with friends makes it a great experience.In one phrase, what is Gravel Worlds to you? - A Family Reunion.


#mygravelworlds: Scott Sumpter


#mygravelworlds: Venny Alub