#MyGravelWorlds: Ashley Frear Cooper

When was your first Gravel Worlds? :: 2011
What was the biggest hurdle/most difficult challenge? :: Finding a way to laugh and/or cry through the mental and physical pains and just keep pedaling.
What was your highest Gravel Worlds moment? :: Every moment I get to hear other riders’ stories. Even just in passing, gravel riders are willing to share a bit about themselves, why they ride, and share pep talks.
What is your favorite Gravel Worlds story? :: In 2012 my friends surprised me on the course, cheering me on from the sidelines (a cornfield near checkpoint 3). I had just passed my first 100 miles on gravel and was wearing down mentally and physically. It got me to mile 114, where I ended attempt 2.
How did you feel when you finished? :: There were a lot of emotions on my first finish in 3 attempts. Relief, pride, and desire to do it again (but with time part of my goal)!
In one phrase, what is Gravel Worlds to you? :: GW is my homecoming to Nebraska gravel, where I was first introduced to this crazy, wonderful activity and community called gravel grinding. (Note: It’s difficult to separate these two phrases now that I’ve moved away from Nebraska and experiences more gravel culture. There is something about GW that is both fundamental and authentic to my expectations for endurance gravel events in other locales. I respect how GW has grown, but still appreciate how grassroots and local feel it maintains.)

Tour of Dirt Roads X!


#MyGravelWorlds: Rob Evans